Sustainability Spotlight
Sustainability Spotlight offers informative and actionable advice around environmental best practice to allow businesses to make more sustainable and environmentally friendly choices for their business. FESPA speaks to industry experts about sustainability where you can discover business opportunities to reduce, reuse and recycle materials and improve your knowledge.
Sustainability Spotlight - environmental best practice advice for your business
Sustainability Spotlight is an ongoing feature that is presented at FESPA Global Print Expo which showcases a wide range of sustainable and environmentally responsible graphics and textile material samples.
What are the most relevant certifications for printed apparel and fashion?
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to John Murphy, Technical Director Europe at Hohenstein Group about OEKO TEX Standard 100 (Product Labelling) certification scheme and the Ecopassport certifications scheme. Both discuss the steps of implementation to take to become certified and the key risks if you businesses do not invest.
What is the first step printers should take when measuring carbon?
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Dominic Harris, Co-Founder at CarbonQuota who advises printers how to start their carbon calculation journey which consists of Scope 1 and Scope 2 and to create a plan for reduction through to 2030. Dominic also describes how all businesses have an obligation to de-carbonise to climate change and must be financially committed.
What are the key considerations when choosing more sustainable fabrics?
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Sam Taylor, Founder of The Good Factory about the key factors to consider when choosing sustainable fabrics. Sam describes available tools that make sourcing sustainable fabrics easier and how Life Cycle Assessments contribute to better fabric selection.
The latest sustainability materials – what are the global brands and retailers currently demanding?
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Steve Lister, Sustainability Director Global Brands & Retailers from Stevelister.com. Steve is also the Head of Sustainability at POPAI UK & Ireland. In this video, Steve discusses how to determine which materials are truly sustainable and the type of materials that global brands and retailers are demanding from the print and packaging sectors. Steve also describes the key opportunities for sustainable materials.
Top Sustainability myths in the decorated apparel industry
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Marshall Atkinson from Atkinson Consulting about the top sustainability myths within the decorated apparel industry. These include water pollution, energy consumption, labour standards and resource depletion to name a few.
Circular Design Thinking – the importance of creating a circular design process
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Steve Lister, Sustainability Director Global Brands & Retailers from Stevelister.com. Steve is also the Head of Sustainability at POPAI UK & Ireland. In this video, Steve describes what constitutes a good circular design process and the key challenges involved.
How does Nordic Swan Ecolabel enhance business opportunity?
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Anders Jacobsson, Environmental Enginner/Product Manager from Nordic Ecolabelling, Sweden about the value of Ecolabel certification. The Nordic Swan Ecolabel is recognised by 95 % of the citizens in the Nordic countries and makes it easy to communicate using all types of media.
Paper-fibre based materials for exhibitions builds and how they contribute to the circular economy
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Einar Ek, Director of Business Development from Re-board about how the use of paper fibre bring the exhibition industry closer to a circular economy. Einar discusses sustainable forestry management, renewable raw materials, reducing carbon footprint and cellulose fibre-based material.
The importance of systems thinking when building a sustainability plan
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Clare Taylor from Clare Taylor Consulting about the importance of systems thinking when creating a sustainability plan for your business and how this can help print businesses.
Setting up an efficient Energy Management System
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Laurel Brunner, Managing Director at Digital Dots about the key opportunities for energy reduction within print factories and the existing energy consumption audit processes.
How to achieve positive transformation and social impact
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Bianca Seidel from Bianca Seidel Consulting about how businesses can positively transform their business. Bianca discusses how you can determine whether the fabric you are purchasing are created in an ethical and sustainable way.
Why is decarbonisation important to the industry?
FESPA’s Head of Associations and Technical Lead speaks to Ali Khalili, CEO at Re-board about why decarbonisation is important to the industry, the main challenges businesses will face trying to reach net zero through carbon emissions reduction and how print businesses can get started the key priorities for maximising emissions reduction.