Business Advice

Make savings with colour management software

by FESPA | 19/02/2021
Make savings with colour management software

We asked Michael Deflorian, Business Developer and Manfred Glantschnig, Head of Product Management at Durst Professional Services about their systems.

What software do you have integrated into the Durst ecosystem for colour management?

All our printers are delivered with Durst Workflow software, an all-in-one solution which includes all steps of the prepress and production process. This software also includes colour management technology from ColorLogic and RIP technology from Global Graphics.

Why is software crucial to your operations?

Utilizing existing technology delivers the highest print quality and our customers can continuously benefit from ongoing improvements delivered from this technology. At the same time, we are able to focus on the advancements of these technologies interacting with our printers.
Here are some specific benefits:
• MultiColor Profiling for accurate results in matching colours
• State-of-the-art spot colour matching algorithm
• Reprofiling/relinearisation algorithm to align the colour gamut precise across many printers and substrates.

How does your software system help save on inks?

We have extraordinary results in ink savings through our available ink savings algorithm, especially in the case of gamut enhanced colour gamuts. We are always striving to reduce ink consumption, while maintaining high print quality. With this, of course ink waste is reduced, saving money and resources.

How else does it help Durst make savings?

In large format printing, wasting base material is also an issue. With smart nesting features this waste can also be reduced, not only by the perfect arrangement of various print jobs, but also by managing a huge number of orders at the same time to avoid too many material changes and thus more wastage.

How could its functionality be improved in the future?

Since we develop our own software, we can align the advancements of new inks and printers and evaluate colour management technology at a very early stage of the development. So, the next-generation of ink and printers will benefit further from our technology in colour management, ripping and automation.
Our goal is also to make complex colour management technology available for everyone, within a clear and easy-to-use interface. No dedicated server for CMM tasks – everything should be handled behind the scenes.

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